Bears in the house

Bears In The House: An inquiry based lesson in Addition.

Learning Intention:

To model number stories.

To understand the relationship between a story using numbers and a number sentence.

To develop number stories of their own.

To make a corresponding number sentence.


Warm Up:           Students play “Go Fish 10”.  Same rules as “Go Fish” but changed to student asks next student for a card that when added to theirs will make a sum of 10 instead of matching pairs.

Each player begins with five cards. Player 1 asks Player 2 if he/she has a 3 (because he/she is holding a 7). Player 2 hands over their 3 if they have one, or tells Player 1 to “Go Fish” and pick the top card off the upturned remaining cards. Player 2 then asks Player 3 if they have a .... etc.


Students make totals of 10 using playing cards working in pairs. Share solutions.


Introduction:     Give pairs of students a colour photo of the Bear House.

Students are asked what rooms are in the house and how do they know?

Using Counting Bears, pairs of students model the first problem.

“There are 2 Bears in the Kitchen.

There are 3 Bears in the Bedroom.

How many bears are in the house?”

Allow time for all groups to model the problem and find a solution.

Ask for solutions and explanations? Do others agree?

Go onto further problems.

There are 4 bears in the lounge room. There are 2 bears in the baby’s room. How many bears are in the house?

                                There are 6 bears in the upstairs bedroom. There is 1 bear in the kitchen. How many bears are in the house?

                                There are 4 bears in the kitchen. There are 3 bears in the lounge room. There are 2 bears in the bedroom. There is 1 bear in the baby’s room. How many bears are in the house?


Students model problems until the concept of modelling the problem to find a solution is generally understood.


                Independent:    Students are provided with a “Bears in the House” work page.


They independently make up a problem of their own.

1.       Students make their problem on the picture with counting bears.

2.       Students draw their story onto the worksheet.

3.       Students complete the number sentence.

4.       Students write their story using the modelled book.


Share:                   Students come together and share a variety of students own problems.

Students will model and work out each other’s solutions.

Place students work into a “Bears in the house” Big Book for use as classroom resource.

Success Criteria:

Students are able to model number stories.

Students will understand the relationship between a story using numbers and a number sentence.

Students will develop number stories of their own.

Students are able make a corresponding number sentence.