Year Planner. Years F-2
Year Planner Years 1 & 2 Terms 1-4
Each term revisits concepts and teaching and learning takes individual students to higher level of understanding.
Individual student growth documented against VELS Progression Points for each topic each term.
Warm Up Activities emphasise the following throughout the year.
Patterns (Counting and Shape), Probability games, Automatic recall of simple number facts (Doubling, adding two one digit numbers, compliments of ten, odd and even, etc), Matching Analogue, Digital and Written time.
Problem Solving activities aligned to topics under investigation presented to students weekly to further develop Proficiency Strands of Australian Curriculum (Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving & Reasoning). Resources include Exemplars, Pictures/Numbers/
Literacy emphasised for each topic. Students to become fluent in vocabulary of each topic.
Written Share/Reflections of developed understandings are standard practice and completed at the end of every lesson.
All lessons to explicitly identify to students the Learning Intentions for each lesson.
Mathematics - Level 2
Learning focus
As students work towards the achievement of Level 2 standards in Mathematics, they begin to use mathematical symbols and language to describe their mathematical explorations of daily life.
In Number, students learn to use base 10 models (units, longs, flats and cubes) and arrays to identify, order and model thecounting numbers up to 1000. They create number patterns mentally, by hand and with the use of the constant addition facility of calculators. They use models and arrays to support the development of skip counting up to 100. They recognise patterns created by skip counting (for example, when counting by fours, the pattern of the ones digits is 4, 8, 2, 6, 0, 4, 8). Students perform simple addition (count on) and subtraction (count back) using numbers up to 100. They use equal groups of objects and rectangular arrays to model multiplication and equal sharing for division. Students divide geometric objects including lines, arrays and regularshapes into equal parts to develop the concept of a simple fraction as part of a whole. They learn to order money amounts in dollars and cents, form different totals using dollars and cents, and carry out simple calculations such as change from small amounts.
In Space, students participate in activities which focus on identification of key features of shapes and solids. They learn to name familiar two- and three-dimensional shapes. They draw simple two-dimensional shapes, and visualise and describe the effect oftransformations (for example, slides, flips and turns). They use mirrors and folding to investigate symmetry of shapes. Students learn to construct and follow directions, informal maps, diagrams and routes to locations in the local environment.
In Measurement, chance and data, students learn to use both non-uniform (for example, hand-spans) and uniform (for example, pencil length) informal measurement units. They recognise time units (second, minute, hour, day, week, and month) and investigate basic time patterns and cycles. They learn to tell the time using analogue and digital clocks.
Students pose and respond to questions leading to data collection. They use pictographs and bar graphs to organise and present data. They play games of chance to recognise and quantitatively describe the variability of outcomes. They use terms such asunlikely and almost certain, more likely and less likely to describe everyday chance events.
When Working mathematically, students learn to use a combination of everyday language and mathematical statements and symbols to describe their manipulation and play with sets of numbers, shapes, objects and patterns. They model and describe daily activities and familiar events using physical materials, diagrams and maps (for example, use a 1–1 graph to show attendance at class).
Students test the truth of conjectures by attempting to find examples or counter-examples, and exploring special cases.
They develop and consolidate their understanding of the commutative and associative properties for addition and multiplication. They learn to use a calculator to check estimations, computations and solutions to simple number sentences and equations.
At Level 2, students model the place value of the natural numbers from 0 to 1000. They order numbers and count to 1000 by 1s, 10s and 100s. Students skip count by 2s, 4s and 5s from 0 to 100 starting from any natural number. They form patterns and sets of numbers based on simple criteria such as odd and even numbers. They order money amounts in dollars and cents and carry out simple money calculations. They describe simple fractions such as one half, one third and one quarter in terms of equal sized parts of a whole object, such as a quarter of a pizza, and subsets such as half of a set of 20 coloured pencils. They add and subtract one- and two-digit numbers by counting on and counting back. They mentally compute simple addition and subtraction calculations involving one- or two-digit natural numbers, using number facts such as complement to 10, doubles and near doubles. They describe and calculate simple multiplication as repeated addition, such as 3 × 5 = 5 + 5 + 5; and division as sharing, such as 8 shared between 4. They use commutative and associative properties of addition and multiplication in mental computation (for example, 3 + 4 = 4 + 3 and 3 + 4 + 5 can be done as 7 + 5 or 3 + 9).
At Level 2, students recognise lines, surfaces and planes, corners and boundaries; familiar two-dimensional shapes including rectangles, rhombuses and hexagons, and three-dimensional shapes and objects including pyramids, cones, and cylinders. They arrange a collection of geometric shapes, such as a set of attribute blocks, into subsets according to simple criteria, and recognise when one set of shapes is a subset of another set of shapes. They recognise and describe symmetry, asymmetry, and congruence in these shapes and objects. They accurately draw simple two-dimensional shapes by hand and construct, copy and combine these shapes using drawing tools and geometry software. They apply simple transformations to shapes (flips, turns, slides and enlargements) and depict both the original and transformed shape together. They specify location as a relative position, including left and right, and interpret simple networks, diagrams and maps involving a small number of points, objects or locations.
Measurement, chance and data
At Level 2, students make, describe and compare measurements of length, area, volume, mass and time using informal units. They recognise the differences between non-uniform measures, such as hand-spans, to measure length, and uniform measures, such as icy-pole sticks. They judge relative capacity of familiar objects and containers by eye and make informal comparisons of weight by hefting. They describe temperature using qualitative terms (for example, cold, warm, hot). Students use formal units such as hour and minute for time, litre for capacity and the standard units of metres, kilograms and seconds.
Students recognise the key elements of the calendar and place in sequence days, weeks and months. They describe common and familiar time patterns and such as the time, duration and day of regular sport training and tell the time at hours and half-hours using an analogue clock, and to hours and minutes using a digital clock.
Students predict the outcome of chance events, such as the rolling of a die, using qualitative terms such as certain, likely, unlikely and impossible. They collect simple categorical and numerical data (count of frequency) and present this data using pictographs and simple bar graphs.
Working mathematically
At Level 2, students make and test simple conjectures by finding examples, counter-examples and special cases and informally decide whether a conjecture is likely to be true. They use place value to enter and read displayed numbers on a calculator. They use a four-function calculator, including use of the constant addition function and x key, to check the accuracy of mental and written estimations and approximations and solutions to simple number sentences and equations.