

Division - Progression Points

Learning Focus/Learning Objectives

Counting Strategies.

(See Mathematics Developmental Continuum Division Progression Points)


Adding, Addition, Counting on, counting up, 100’s chart, open number line, more, less, same, total, sum,

Subtraction, minus, counting back, counting backwards, difference.

Multiplication, repeated addition, skip counting, array, columns, rows.

Sharing, division, equal groups, each, whole, fairly.





Warm Up Game

5 mins

Skip Counting.

Around the World. Discuss counting by 2’s. (2,4,6,8,0)

Play  counting by 2’s and see how far you can get in 4 minutes. Provide token to each student who says a number ending with a zero. 3 tokens for two zeros.

Skip Counting.

Around the World. Discuss counting by 3’s. (3,6,9,2,5,8,1,4,7,0)

Play  counting by 3’s  and see how far you can get in 4 minutes. Provide token to each student who says a number ending with a zero. 3 tokens for two zeros.

Skip Counting.

Around the World. Discuss counting by 4’s. (4,8,2,6,0)

Play  counting by 4’s  and see how far you can get in 4 minutes. Provide token to each student who says a number ending with a zero. 3 tokens for two zeros.

Skip Counting.

Around the World. Discuss counting by 5’s. (5,0)

Play  counting by 5’s  and see how far you can get in 4 minutes. Provide token to each student who says a number with a 50 in it. 3 tokens hundreds.

Greedy Pig

Whole Class Introduction

10 mins

On the weekend I bought a bag of lollies. There were 18 lollies. How could I share them with my friends? (Do not discuss solutions)

I bought 24 fish to put into my fish bowls. I want the same number of fish in each bowl. How many fish do I put in each fish bowl.

At my party we had ½ an hour to play as many games as we liked. Each game was played for the same amount of time. How long did we play each game? Discuss what games we might play.

We baked some cookies and decided to share them. How many cookies did each person get? Use Play Doh or similar to make cookies.

The zoo keeper wanted the same number of animals in each enclosure. Each type of animal stood in an array.  How many animals did she put into each enclosure and how many animals were there?

Student Activity

25 - 35

Students show all possible solutions. Provide 18 counters per pair of students. P/N/W

Students show all possible solutions. Provide 24counters (different from yesterdays) per pair of students. P/N/W

Students show all possible solutions. Provide 30counters (different from yesterdays) per pair of students. P/N/W

Students show all possible solutions. Provide counters. P/N/W

Students draw solution and write matching number sentences.  P/N/W



Discuss solutions.

Put into a table.

How come when you share with more people each person gets less lollies?

Discuss strategies.

Compare # sentences.

Make explicit the link s between division, multiplication, repeated addition, repeated subtraction.


( eg.,123=4,   4x3=12,   4+4+4=12, 12-4-4-4=0 )

Discuss strategies.

Compare # sentences.

Make explicit the link s between division, multiplication, repeated addition, repeated subtraction.


( eg.,123=4,   4x3=12,   4+4+4=12, 12-4-4-4=0 )

Discuss strategies.

Compare # sentences.

Make explicit the link s between division, multiplication, repeated addition, repeated subtraction.


( eg.,123=4,   4x3=12,   4+4+4=12, 12-4-4-4=0 )

Discuss solutions.

Discuss division words and make Sharing Word Wall.